Outplacement / Career Transition

“Wondering how our Outplacement and Career Transition Services can help you?”

Is your organization:

  • Restructuring?
  • Going through a merger or acquisition?
  • Dealing with unresolvable employee problems?

If your company has made the decision to end 1 or more employment relationships – for any reason – we can:

1) Provide advice in planning the meeting and paperwork as well as delivering the message

2) Support and assist management during the onsite meeting

3) Coach and assist the individual in preparation of employment activities

The What, Why and How of Outplacement

When faced with employee problems or organizational change, management must explore options to resolve the issues, reduce costs and/or increase efficiencies. Terminating staff is often an unfortunate reality.

Over the last 30 years, businesses have found that Outplacement and Career Transition Services reduces the trauma for displaced employees. The news of loosing one’s job may be amplified for any number of reasons – a sluggish or saturated economy, age, or job specializations just to name a few.

Organizations that provide an Outplacement Program demonstrate that they are trying to minimize the impact of the employees’ job loss by providing professional assistance to expedite the job search process. When combined with a respectful termination meeting and a fair severance package, an Outplacement Program can diminish the risk of a lawsuit.

Impacted employees with Outplacement services have the benefit and the assurance of a professional coach – and cheerleader – in their corner. Career Transition Services typically include career evaluation/guidance, identifying job skills and accomplishments, resume writing, interview preparation, coaching and more.

Kelowna HR offers years of professional experience in providing Outplacement and Career Transition Services.

Free Resources for the Asking

For the sponsoring company:

– A handout of an example situation that illustrates the benefits, costs and savings of Outplacement.

– A brochure that outlines several program levels and price points to help reach a suitable decision.

For the impacted employee(s):

– Brochures that can be included with the termination package to provide encouragement and assistance for their next steps; it explains the Career Transition Program and provides contact information.